The potential of the seaweed farming and processing sectors in the development of thread, fertiliser, bio-plastics and leather substitutes is massive, according to Chung Ngin Zhun, co-founder of Rhodomaxx – a Malaysian seaweed startup.
The global salmon sector is suffering from a rising discrepancy between the projected and actual harvests and producers can’t afford to be complacent about their ability to fulfil global demand for salmon.
The cascading effect of the coronavirus pandemic have had a striking impact on marine trade in India – aquaculturists have been losing their livelihoods, and experts are expecting more disruption to come
The salmon and shrimp sectors have been affected very differently by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Gorjan Nikolik, senior seafood analyst at Rabobank.
Despite its horrific implications for global health and the global economy, the coronavirus outbreak should serve as a call for more countries, including Kenya, to become more self-sufficient in food, argues John Eric.
Mulling over the next fish to invest in? Let’s take a cue from the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who have long loved their mullets (No, not the haircut).