Dr Tibiábin Benítez-Santana, an aquaculture researcher with the Norwegian krill product company Aker BioMarine, is a firm believer that improved understanding of fish nutrition and metabolism can improve the sustainability and productivity of the aquaculture i…
Dr Juli-Anne Royes Russo of Aquaculture Innovations & Solutions Consulting Group believes aquaculture can help revive coastal communities that have been affected by overfishing, in particular in her native Jamaica.
Dr Anna Kintner, analytical services manager at Europharma UK, believes that the fish farming industry needs to pay more attention to the threat posed by gelatinous zooplankton – a belief given credence by her extensive knowledge of jellyfish, gained both in S…
In the past few years the world of online aquaculture academia has been increasingly blighted by non-peer-reviewed papers masquerading as real science. Here’s what you can do to avoid the worrying trend for unverified aquaculture research
Lynne Frame, freshwater specialist at Scottish Sea Farms, recounts an action-packed introduction to the aquaculture industry that has seen her grow mussels in New Zealand, produce smolt in the Arctic Circle and, most recently, be singled out as one of the most…
The team behind a project that aims to improve the health of farmed sea bass and sea bream in the Mediterranean has launched an discussion forum on Sparicotylosis today.
How one man’s idea to help soldiers earn extra income and acquire valuable skills on retirement has evolved to create a national aquaculture training centre in Ghana
The Bangla adage mache bhate Bengali – ‘fish and rice make a Bengali’ – sums up the importance of fish in the diet of Bangladeshis. But with capture fisheries in decline, Bangladesh is increasingly looking to aquaculture to fill the gap.
How vertical integration and live fish sales have enabled Blue Ridge Aquaculture in Virginia to thrive in a market otherwise dominated by large-scale Asian and Central American tilapia producers.
Once seen exclusively as suppliers of Norwegian fish farming kit, AKVA’s Scottish operations are not only designing and developing their own equipment for the local sector, but they’re also looking to deliver Caledonian innovations to aquaculture practitioners…
Julie Hesketh-Laird, the new chief executive of the Scottish Salmon Producer’s Organisation shares her first impressions of the country’s salmon sector and how she plans to help it to evolve.
Natalie Clark, nursery manager at Hoopers Island Oyster Co in Maryland, explains how plans to reseed the Chesapeake Bay with 10 billion bivalves have not only given her a dream career, but can also help restore the health of one the USA's most famous waterways…
The Scottish Salmon Company's plans to produce a unique strain of robust but slow-growing salmon – developed from wild Hebridean stocks – are now coming to commercial fruition, in a project that’s winning the praise of fish farmers and foodies alike
Joost Blom, BioMar’s resident eel feed expert, sheds some light on the challenges that need to be overcome to ensure a sustainable increase in farming one of the planet’s most mysterious fish.
Traditional mussel production may take place in sheltered sea lochs and estuaries, but an ambitious new venture off the coast of Devon has found that offshore options offer a range of benefits – both environmental and commercial
Jim Treasurer, editor of the first ever comprehensive review of the use of wrasse, lumpsuckers and other cleanerfish species on salmon farms, explains the significance of the new book
With 2394 visitors, 190 exhibitors and a 50 percent increase in floor space, Aquaculture UK 2018 exceeded expectations, as this photo gallery reflects.
As a post-grad Dr Yvonne Roessner set up the only mussel farm in the German Baltic, an operation that is now thriving, and now has ambitions to take over – and revitalise – the country’s only saltwater rainbow trout farm
Mick Watts might have built mills in parts of South America where few gringos dare to tread, but despite the lack of gun-toting guerrillas roaming Skye, he says that building a fish feed mill in Scotland is not without its challenges.
Along with many of its West African neighbours, Liberia’s fish production is a fraction of what it could be. A recent World Bank-led programme aims to change that – harnessing Liberia’s ambition to create a thriving aquaculture industry.
The combined ethical and economic arguments for encouraging gender diversity in aquaculture were among the key themes at The Fish Site’s inaugural Women in Aquaculture event.
Heather Jones, CEO of the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre, explains why she's backing this week's Women in Aquaculture breakfast, describes a visit to a Tasmanian shellfish hatchery and recalls an unpleasant encounter with an uncooked echinoderm
Marie-Clare Russell, who has been involved in fish health since the mid-80s, is relishing the challenge of developing new ways to tackle sea lice in her current role as managing director of FAI Aquaculture.
Isabel Represas, regional sales director at INVE Aquaculture, discusses the opportunities and challenges facing fish farming in the Mediterranean, and what it takes to keep pace with a rapidly evolving industry
With a rapidly increasing global population, there is growing need for food. But, as there is a tremendous decline in the area of fertile land, one possible solution is aquaponics – growing fish and vegetables in an integrated, soil-free system.
Organic Sea Harvest (OSH), which has just been granted permission to establish two new salmon farms off north-east Skye, believe that a less intensive approach to production should help them avoid a number of the health challenges that some conventional farms …
Catherine Greengrass Smith, director of aquaculture and environmental consultancy Gaia, talks about her ambitions to help the growth of South Africa’s aquaculture industry
After several years of poor performance the profitability of the Chile’s salmon sector is now catching up with its conterpart in Norway, according to a new analysis by Rabobank.
Victoria Chomo, secretary of the FAO's European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) and the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish), offers some fascinating insights into aquaculture in Easte…
Aquaculture is growing in Ghana – at both the large and small scales. But producers are concerned that government plans to introduce a new aquatic-animal policy might prevent them from sourcing better-performing strains of tilapia
Sea lice, co-infections, research with zebrafish and some novel diseases in esoteric species all featured at this year’s Eastern Fish Health Workshop (EFHW).
Four employees from Kampachi Farms – Lucie Leonard, Helen Meigs, Lisa Vollbrecht and Taimane Ulu – discuss gender issues, feed trials and the challenges posed by farming yellowtail in the middle of the largest ocean on earth.
With sea lice an increasingly tough problem for salmon farmers to treat, new research suggests that managing water temperature might be more effective than blitzing the parasites with more chemicals
Alexis Chatterton, mooring services manager with Gael Force Group, explains how developing equipment such as cages and mooring systems that can cope with extreme environmental conditions is key to the expansion of the aquaculture industry.
Dr Cecile Brugère, independent consultant and director of Soulfish Research and Consultancy, discusses transforming gender equality and food security in aquaculture