Plans by NewSeas to develop a 10,000 tonne capacity barramundi farm in northern Bali have been given fresh momentum, after the company signed an MoU with Skretting.
In order for the seaweed industry to thrive and grow sustainably, it needs to be self-sustaining and market-driven, not reliant on the possibility of blue carbon credits, according to Briana Warner, CEO of Atlantic Sea Farms.
The fate of Mexico’s nascent Totoaba aquaculture industry is hanging in the balance, as farmers await a decision by CITES on whether it will be possible to export this once-threatened species.
Israel Yusuf, who is also known as "Dr Fish", is a 41-year-old fish farmer, farm reform advocate, agribusiness development consultant and aquaculture service provider in Nigeria.
Up to 10 percent of the global salmon supply could be produced in offshore systems by the end of the decade, according to a new report published by Rabobank today.
On the day of the publication of Aqua-Spark’s new report on tilapia farming in sub-Saharan Africa, Willem van Pijl and Amy Novogratz reflect on what they’ve learned and what they’re hoping to achieve through the process, as they approach the launch of a $50 mi…
Until recently, Assam depended heavily on other Indian states to fulfil its demand for fish. However, it has increased its aquaculture production significantly in the past five years, thanks in part to government incentives.