The IFFO has released its latest market intelligence reports, covering marine ingredient market trends from 2021. It includes analysis of both the supply and demand sides of the market, with research focusing also on the global trends of animal farming and fish catches, agri-commodities, commodities’ prices and general macro-economic conditions.
Total cumulative 2021 productions of fishmeal and fish oil up by 6 percent year on year (January – November)
During the first 11 months of 2021, the total cumulative productions of both fishmeal and fish oil of the countries considered in the report which IFFO produces for its Members were higher, year on year, by 6 percent. Peru, Chile and India continue to be the only regions to report a higher cumulative fishmeal production in 2021 with respect to the same period in 2020. In terms of fish oil though, Iceland also managed to improve its cumulative output.
China: shipments of imported fishmeal continue to rise (November 2021)
Aquaculture remains off-season. The aquafeed output dropped month on month but rose year on year in November 2021. The pig sector continues to deal with its over-capacity and cumulative pig feed output through November confirms that the national pig stock has been rebuilt after the nationwide outbreak of African Swine fever. Fishmeal plants remained idle in North China. Shipments of imported fishmeal continue to rise, with historically high stocks in the ports´ warehouses.