Umami Bioworks is bucking the negative trends that hit the cell-cultivated meat and seafood sectors – landing significant deals with some of the biggest players in the seafood and pet food worlds.
Recently completed on-farm trials have demonstrated that high-quality insect meal from Protix contains functional properties that can improve fish performance and welfare, as well as farmers’ profitability.
A new, safer and faster way of converting CO2 into protein suitable for aquafeeds is being developed by b.fab, a German startup which aims to help establish a network of simple but effective production hubs around the world.
A background in conventional business makes Chuck Toombs a somewhat unconventional addition to the US seaweed sector, but the founder of Oregon Seaweed believes that this might give him an edge over some of the more idealistically-motivated operators in the sp…
Scandinavian startup Pronofa is farming and processing Ciona tunicates, commonly known as sea squirts, in a bid to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to mince made from conventional terrestrial livestock.