José Antonio Camposano, executive president of Ecuador’s national chamber of aquaculture (CNA), provides the country’s latest shrimp production figures, thoughts on sustainability and reflections on the chamber’s new partnership with The Fish Site.
The UK’s first redclaw crayfish farm – operating in an indoor recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) – is due to open shortly in Dorset, as Elena Piana, founder of Noola Redclaw, explains.
Indonesia’s aquafeed producers – be they industrial players or farmers who produce feed independently – are increasingly looking towards the use of local and sustainable alternatives to fish meal and soy.
Part I of this series covered the ornamental aquaculture industry and how to get a successful business started. This second instalment offers insights into the types of businesses and discusses options for the varieties of fish to produce.
Phil Cruver, former CEO of Catalina Sea Ranch, explains why he’s now focusing his attentions on producing food-grade seaweed in the Caribbean, using a unique, submersible system.
Ornamental aquaculture may be overlooked by the food production side of the sector, but there are still plenty of business opportunities in the sector, with marine ornamentals generating $5 billion a year.
Plans by NewSeas to develop a 10,000 tonne capacity barramundi farm in northern Bali have been given fresh momentum, after the company signed an MoU with Skretting.
Following a €3.7 million deal, Agtira is poised to produce salmon, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs in an aquaponics facility beside the Östersund branch of Sweden’s largest supermarket chain, Maxi ICA.
In order for the seaweed industry to thrive and grow sustainably, it needs to be self-sustaining and market-driven, not reliant on the possibility of blue carbon credits, according to Briana Warner, CEO of Atlantic Sea Farms.