On the fifth anniversary of their first investment in aquaculture, Mike Velings, co-founder of Aqua-Spark, explains how the fund, the aquaculture investment landscape and the industry in general, have changed over the last five years.
A new online course on antimicrobial stewardship in the food chain aims to educate the livestock industry – including the aquaculture sector – on how to implement a more responsible approach to using antibiotics.
Two months after its last report on the global animal protein production sector, Rabobank’s Gorjan Nikolik offers The Fish Site some revised thoughts on the recent performance of the fishmeal, salmon and shrimp sectors as well as some insights into their outlo…
Tilapia that have not been treated with hormones appear to be more robust against diseases such as tilapia lake virus, strengthening the argument to use males produced via more natural means.
The need to halt the decline of yield per fry was the central theme of a presentation on Mediterranean finfish hatcheries which was given by Isabel Represas at INVE’s customer seminar in Crete.
A Finnish start-up is aiming to make inroads in aquaculture with a new source of single-cell protein derived from sulphite pulp. It’s sustainable and competitive, but will it work?