A new report by Rabobank, published this week, warns that the growth of Norway’s salmon farming sector is extremely vulnerable to the resource rent tax proposed by the government.
Though indoor shrimp farming has been tapped as a potential disruptor in the aquaculture space, investors have been hesitant to sign on the dotted line. But according to Aurore Gil of ADM Capital Europe, this reflects an investment stance that’s better charact…
Though many are still at the pilot stage and haven’t been proven at an industrial scale, analysis from Spheric Research suggests that indoor shrimp farming has huge potential to transform the wider industry.
The co-founder of Aqua-Spark* feels that, despite the challenging financial climate, 2022 has been a pivotal year for attracting investor interest to the sector and 2023 will see momentum continue to grow.
Indonesia-based aquaculture specialist Retno Nuraini’s continual work on sustainable production has led her to join Deliberate Capital, an investment company which is providing financial and technical expertise to smallholder shrimp farmers.