Azellia Alma Shafira, co-founder and CEO of Banoo Indonesia, talks about her journey to bring affordable technology to boost small-scale fish farming productivity and her vision to help build a more inclusive aquaculture industry.
Despite its impressive growth rate and resistance to disease, the GIFT strain of tilapia is yet to fulfil its true potential in Odisha, according to several key players in the Indian state’s aquaculture sector.
Pacific Ocean Culture, which specialises in giant freshwater prawns and tilapia farming, is already the biggest aquaculture player in the South Pacific and now aims to triple production to support Fijian government goals.
Leakey Amolloh is a director of Kings Beta Fish Farm, which produces tilapia and catfish fingerlings and also grows out fish to table size for sale in Kenya. He has plans to expand the business substantially in the coming years.
Triploidy is widely used in aquaculture to improve growth rates, reduce possible impacts of farmed animals on wild aquatic ecosystems and enhance product quality, but there’s room for improvement and for alternative technologies.
Peruvian Jenny Soria Nina develops technologies to facilitate the growth of the aquaculture sector. One of her recent successes is a mobile hatchery designed to produce scallops and other aquatic species.
Kenya’s aquaculture sector must grow to improve the country’s food security. This article looks into the pros and cons of cage versus pond farming, with insights from fish farmers in western and central regions, and provides recommendations for ways to help th…
Yit Tung – who farms mud crabs, shrimp and tilapia in Malaysia – has no regrets about swapping a steady job as an engineer in the oil and gas sector for starting up his own aquaculture venture, RAS Aquaculture.
Dagón – Israel’s pioneering hatchery and leading fish farmer – offers a tantalising glimpse of how aquaculture in the MENA region is evolving and of the emerging species that have the greatest commercial potential.
Farming in flow-through concrete ponds known as jhora, which is practised in the hills of West Bengal, is not only helping locals to get healthy diet of food but has been also supplementing their families’ incomes.
Efua Konyim Okai, correspondent for The Fish Site, reflects on a recent visit to the first-ever AFRAQ event, which took place in Egypt at the end of March.
Sailesh Chudasama believes that biofloc production – of species including shrimp, tilapia and catfish – can create well-paid jobs and improve food security, both in Ghana and beyond.
Alexsandra Caseiro is one of the stalwarts of the Brazilian aquaculture sector, spending two decades in the feed sector, before setting up her own consultancy firm, operating mainly in in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil.
The latest 1810 Ultra syringe design from Socorex brings medical-grade precision to the aquaculture vaccination sector – in the process generating a range of advantages, not least to fish welfare and operator accuracy.
James de la Fargue has been CEO of Lake Harvest – one of Africa’s largest tilapia producers – since 2016. Despite downscaling production, the changes he has implemented have enabled the company to attract new investors and confirm its place close to the top of…
Sub-Saharan Africa's limited aquaculture supply creates an excellent opportunity for Kenya's fish farming sector, giving it the potential to bank on favourable climate conditions and untapped land and water resources.
By adopting the “basic building block” of tilapia farming, producers across Africa can establish and scale operations in both urban and rural environments – moving Africa’s tilapia industry beyond subsistence farming.
New analysis suggests that pond aquaculture could be the tilapia industry’s best way to profitably intensify production – and that, other than for a few notable exceptions, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) will remain relatively unprofitable in the near…