Organic Garden aims to set up a network of land-based farms that synergistically and sustainably produce fish, vegetables, insects, algae and mushrooms, which are then sold directly to canteens across Germany, as Johannes Blei, chief farm and financial officer…
Standardisation of data, collaboration and assurances are essential to ensure that seafood, including the marine ingredients that are used in aquafeeds, are more transparent, traceable and sustainably sourced.
Vincent Doumeizel, author of The Seaweed Revolution, believes that seaweed can help replace many of the worst elements of conventional contemporary agriculture and help to feed the growing global population.
Co-created by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative and industry changemakers, the Seafood MAP is a global knowledge-sharing digital platform designed to accelerate responsible aquaculture through collective action.
Peter Green, founder of Paxtier – an algae tech innovation newsletter and community – shares his thoughts on the sector’s most promising startups and some of the key emerging trends.
A new project, involving researchers from Glasgow University and Kelpcrofting, a seaweed farming startup, is investigating the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to predict biofouling of cultured seaweed and planktonic threats to farmed salmon.
Alternative proteins are often cited as being better – environmentally, ethically and nutritionally – than farmed seafoods, but the reality is much more complex and far less clear-cut than some alt-protein evangelists realise.