Wider application of genetic improvement in aquaculture, with a focus on selective breeding, will help boost seafood production without the need to hugely increase the volume of inputs – including feed, land and water – required by the sector.
European seabass and gilthead seabream form the backbone of Mediterranean finfish aquaculture. While both species account for around 12 percent of the EU’s total aquaculture production they each represent 22 percent of the whole production value.
A veterinarian at Swansea’s Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research has pioneered the use of a non-destructive method to assess the health of lumpfish broodstock.
Optimising the production of marine herbivores, such as rabbitfish, suggests the huge potential of sustainable aquaculture techniques to feed a growing population.
Salmon rendered sterile through gene editing are exhibiting encouraging behaviour and performance during the grow-out phase, according to new research results.