The benefits that salmon farmers obtain by sourcing their stocks from cutting-edge breeding programmes are chronically undervalued, according to a new study.
The Scottish Salmon Company's plans to produce a unique strain of robust but slow-growing salmon – developed from wild Hebridean stocks – are now coming to commercial fruition, in a project that’s winning the praise of fish farmers and foodies alike
Ghana’s goal to nearly double its aquaculture production this year is only feasible if problems related to seed stock, feeds and fish health are solved.
Alan Tinch, technical services director in Benchmark's genetics division, explains the company's breeding strategy - including their hopes for applying gene editing techniques - for salmon, shrimp and tilapia.
While the demand for tilapia in Ghana is at an all-time high, the country’s pond tilapia producers are struggling to stay afloat, according to Efua Konyim Okai.
Thanks to an ongoing project led by the National Lobster Hatchery, UK lobster farming might be about to shift gear into a semi-intensive, highly productive industry. We spoke to project insider Dr Carly Daniels about why innovations that might revolutionise th…
Spring Genetics has recently delivered 20,000 tilapia broodstock, selectively bred for resistance to Streptococcus, to Acuícola Maria Linda in Guatemala.
Popular and adaptable, Nile tilapia are leading cichlid production worldwide. So why is the species banned in three of South Africa’s nine provinces? As Conchita Milburn reports, managing South Africa’s tilapia stocks is a balancing act that pits the sector’s …
Plans to produce a model means of improving the efficiency of aquaculture production in Africa have moved ahead, following a meeting hosted by WorldFish in Lusaka last week.