Basel Ahmed is the founder and CEO of Octopus, which claims to be the, “first scientific aquaculture initiative in Egypt and the Arab region that is managed by youth and covers production, disease control and environmental awareness."
The FAIRR Initiative has just released a report for Phase 2 of its collaborative investor engagement on sustainable aquafeed – after a coalition of 75 investors, representing over $16 trillion in assets, met with eight of the world’s largest salmon producers t…
Most of the fish currently farmed in the sea are carnivores, but there’s a strong argument for producing more marine herbivores, which don’t depend on diets containing fish meal and fish oil.
In three years Ireland's Pure Ocean Algae has domesticated a wild dulse, a red seaweed species, and created a fully-fledged macroalgae value chain. The Fish Site sat down with founder Michael O'Neill to learn more about his processes and Ireland's pot…
Oceanfarmr*, the new name for SmartOysters, is looking to apply its technology across the wider aquaculture sector – initially targeting mussel and seaweed producers – and has also launched a new finance tool for farmers.
A new multi-cohort trial has demonstrated the efficacy of semi-closed containment systems (SCCS) for Atlantic salmon – with results showing lower lice counts, higher growth rates, higher final weights and higher survival rates for salmon in Preline’s SCCS comp…
Cryopreservation – involving the freezing and ultra-low temperature storage of ova and sperm – has been demonstrated with varying degrees of success across a range of farmed aquatic species, but more standardised techniques are needed to ensure that it works c…
Indian aquaculture producers need better guidance from aquatech companies as well as access to government subsidies to help secure their productivity and livelihoods.