Alternative proteins are often cited as being better – environmentally, ethically and nutritionally – than farmed seafoods, but the reality is much more complex and far less clear-cut than some alt-protein evangelists realise.
After studying marine biology and aquaculture in university and learning the ropes at her own shrimp farm in Ecuador, Janeth Chavez Zambrano is turning her hand to indoor shrimp farming with SwissShrimp.
There are those who argue that farming is a way of life and not a business, but in today's modern, competitive and global agriculture/agribusiness environment, that mindset is the quickest way to lose money.
Bert Wecker, founder of Neomar, believes that farming tropical shrimp in temperate countries is on the verge of being highly profitable, and that the sector is all set for expansion, both in Europe and North America.
Senegal needs to step up its domestic oyster aquaculture sector to better meet domestic demand, according to Amy Gaye, FISH4ACP’s national professional officer in Senegal, who has been working on a new project for FISH4ACP.
The production of insects for aquafeeds is only going to gain momentum in the coming years, although there are still a number of challenges – in particular relating to regulations regarding the feedstocks for fly larvae – to overcome.
Post-Brexit regulations are posing a threat to one of the UK’s oldest aquaculture sectors, in the Menai Strait – where mussel harvests have dropped from 7,500 tonnes in 2016 to around 400 tonnes in 2022.
For decades China has been the world’s largest exporter of seafood but, in the space of 12 months – following a 30 percent rise in imports – it has become a net importer, heralding a genuinely pivotal moment in the seafood sphere.
Côte d’Ivoire needs to step up its domestic tilapia production in line with domestic demand, according to a recent interview with Fougnigué Traoré, FISH4ACP national professional officer in Côte d’Ivoire, following the publication of a new report.