The introduction of the Science-based Equitable Aquaculture Food (SEAfood) Act, is an unmissable opportunity for the US to step up offshore aquaculture production and ensure the country takes a more responsible stance on seafood security.
Species such as barramundi, which are impressively adaptable, are strong candidates for farming if we want to fulfil the growing global seafood demands in the face of climate challenges.
As the SEAfood Act and the AQUAA Act are being debated in Congress, Emily De Sousa joined two of America’s leading seafood chefs – Barton Seaver and Steve Phelps – on a tour of some of the world’s most extreme offshore fish farms, to find out for themselves ab…
Josh Goldman, founder and CEO of Australis, believes that the barramundi farming sector is nearing critical mass and the species is set to become a seafood staple in a range of countries.
Having worked in biotechnology investment and then as a pioneering seaweed and mussel farmer, Paul Dobbins was persuaded to come out of retirement for the second time to work on WWF’s programmatic and investment work and he now intends to galvanise the fledgli…
At the age of only 19 Sander Kristiansen began managing a farm containing over a million salmon, and – one year later – he’s also in the process of designing his own unique fish farm service vessel.
Marine permaculture, the macroalgae aquaculture system developed by The Climate Foundation, seeks to harness wave energy to restore natural nutrient upwelling and grow seaweed at scale. If initial trials continue to be successful, it could be a feasible way to…
A new report by Rabobank, published this week, warns that the growth of Norway’s salmon farming sector is extremely vulnerable to the resource rent tax proposed by the government.
Norwegian salmon farmers have enjoyed a decade of unprecedented profitability, but plans to introduce a 40 percent resource rent tax on the sector - combined with the emergence of new systems for growing salmon in different regions - could undermine the volume…
This year has been particularly notable for the emergence of the seaweed sector, according to Harrison Karisa, senior aquaculture specialist at the World Bank, which has over $9 billion relating to the ocean portfolio.