Cyclone Amphan has compounded the miseries of the shrimp industry in Bengal, which was already reeling under the severe blow of the coronavirus-related lockdown.
A two-year study tracking the environmental effects of commercial kelp aquaculture indicates that seaweed farming activities can significantly enhance marine biodiversity.
Recent work on the impact of climate change on Norway's salmon sector, led by researchers at Nofima, may help both the Norwegian sector, and the wider aquaculture industry, prepare for the numerous climate change-related challenges it faces.
The global salmon sector is suffering from a rising discrepancy between the projected and actual harvests and producers can’t afford to be complacent about their ability to fulfil global demand for salmon.
Urchinomics is opening its first land-based sea urchin ranch in Norway, in a project that could both improve marine habitats and help diversify the country's aquaculture sector.
The following tips are designed to help small-scale aquaculture operators, particularly in Asia and Africa, reduce their environmental impacts and embrace operational sustainability.