Adam Taylor, founder of the largest tilapia producer in Africa, sees huge scope for improvements in the sector - in particular driven by advances in nutrition and genetics.
Budidaya udang memang bukan perkara mudah, tetapi dengan memahami dasar-dasarnya dengan tepat, tambak Anda dapat berjalan produktif dan bebas penyakit.
The multibillion-dollar marine aquarium trade has a mixed reputation, with many specimens being captured from the world’s coral reefs. However, a number of pioneers are now farming marine ornamentals – offering hope for a venture that benefits both people and …
Saran untuk menghindari kerugian besar akibat early mortality syndrome (EMS) – salah satu penyakit paling parah yang melanda budidaya udang dalam dekade terakhir.
Advice on how to avoid major shrimp losses from early mortality syndrome (EMS) – one of the most devastating diseases to hit shrimp aquaculture in the last decade.
A new initiative to improve the welfare of tilapia is now being trialled by leading players in the industry, following its recent launch by FAI Farms in Brazil.
How genomic selection can rapidly increase the resistance of whiteleg shrimp to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) – one of the most costly diseases in the global shrimp farming sector.
When talking to people about the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), one of the most common questions I get asked is how did a young woman end up being CEO of a global organisation mainly dominated by men?
As part of the on-going series on The Fish Site, the shrimp farming experts at Alune outline the current techniques for measuring shrimp biomass and explain how emerging technologies can give producers accurate estimates without compromising shrimp we…
As part of a new series for The Fish Site, the experts at leading aquaculture financial tech company Alune share their insights and knowledge on how to manage water quality in shrimp aquaculture.
Tilapia producers in different countries have fared very differently in 2020. This run-through of the key regions provides a valuable overview of a year that many will want to forget.
GPS Group has been an integral force in reducing the Ecuadorian shrimp farming sector’s reliance on diesel-fired generators, and are on the cusp of launching the world’s first carbon zero certification for farm-raised shrimp.
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted different countries very differently – as illustrated by the stark differences in the performance of the shrimp sectors of Ecuador and Vietnam.
An innovative antifouling device uses UV light to prevent mussels and barnacles – as well as algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms – from encrusting underwater sensors used in fish farms.