After overcoming some early setbacks, Nawa Consollata Muyangana’s decision to diversify into farming tilapia has seen her make waves in Zambia’s aquaculture scene and she now has ambitions to ramp up production to 20,000 tonnes a year.
Attempts to farm burbot – a freshwater cod species that has long been valued for its excellent taste – have proved testing. However, a number of promising research breakthroughs could help a growing number of commercial operators to take the species into the m…
Straight after her graduation with a degree in land economy in 2019, Precious Nutifafa decided to build a catfish farm in Saviefe Agorkpo, in the Volta Region of Ghana, and she now has plans to build production to 200 tonnes a year.
Plans to replicate a successful pilot programme in Uganda, which involves the creation of aquaculture hubs that provide a cluster of local farmers with a market and also key inputs, are gaining momentum, following the formation of a new partnership.
Combining the tech and investment resources of Silicon Valley with the practical salmon farming expertise of Norway has been crucial to the success of Aquabyte, according to founder and CEO Bryton Shang.
Species such as barramundi, which are impressively adaptable, are strong candidates for farming if we want to fulfil the growing global seafood demands in the face of climate challenges.
Although native to the US, the American paddlefish is now widely farmed across the world's temperate regions and – thanks to its highly regarded meat and roe – offers an exciting alternative to sturgeon.
Rural Aquaculture Development (RAD) has developed an innovative model both to grow and sell its own tilapia, and to support the local aquaculture sector, in a bid to improve smallholder livelihoods in western Uganda.
Vincent Oduor, who was recently named Kenya’s most innovative fish farmer, is the co-founder and CEO of Aquaculture Barn Limited – a producer of juvenile tilapia and catfish.