As the SEAfood Act and the AQUAA Act are being debated in Congress, Emily De Sousa joined two of America’s leading seafood chefs – Barton Seaver and Steve Phelps – on a tour of some of the world’s most extreme offshore fish farms, to find out for themselves ab…
Vincent Doumeizel, author of The Seaweed Revolution, believes that seaweed can help replace many of the worst elements of conventional contemporary agriculture and help to feed the growing global population.
Cyril Barbier is the hatchery and production manager at Gårdsfisk, an indoor farming operation in southern Sweden that aims to produce 550 tonnes of tilapia and African catfish this year.
Helped by several initiatives from the government of Manipur, in north-east India, fish farmers have increased production substantially, but scientists feel that the state has not yet fulfilled its true aquaculture potential.
Alternative proteins are often cited as being better – environmentally, ethically and nutritionally – than farmed seafoods, but the reality is much more complex and far less clear-cut than some alt-protein evangelists realise.
Senegal needs to step up its domestic oyster aquaculture sector to better meet domestic demand, according to Amy Gaye, FISH4ACP’s national professional officer in Senegal, who has been working on a new project for FISH4ACP.
For decades China has been the world’s largest exporter of seafood but, in the space of 12 months – following a 30 percent rise in imports – it has become a net importer, heralding a genuinely pivotal moment in the seafood sphere.
Côte d’Ivoire needs to step up its domestic tilapia production in line with domestic demand, according to a recent interview with Fougnigué Traoré, FISH4ACP national professional officer in Côte d’Ivoire, following the publication of a new report.
Gene-editing tools such as CRISPR have huge potential to improve the sustainability and profitability of the aquaculture industry, according to James Sibley – an undergrad with ambitions to be a star of the sector.
While many grandiose aquaculture projects have failed to live up to their promise in the Middle East, Fish Farms LLC – which includes a hatchery, cage farms and RAS facilities in Dubai – offers an example of what can be achieved under testing conditions.
Victoria Emmanuel, founder of Sokvikia Fisheries, runs a fish production, processing and distribution business in Nigeria that aims to mainly sell to women who are concerned about food safety, while promoting food security, nutrition and employment opportuniti…