Ghana’s goal to nearly double its aquaculture production this year is only feasible if problems related to seed stock, feeds and fish health are solved.
Han Han, CEO and founder of China Blue , explains how the non-for-profit organisation is helping to improve the sustainability of China’s aquaculture production.
For developing nations, aquaculture is often regarded as an opportunity to provide jobs and food security. However, as a recent report suggests, aquaculture has the potential to empower women too.
Virginia Iglesias, a veterinarian based at the Fish Vet Group’s Inverness office, explains the causes, diagnosis and control of the disease - which is a major problem in global salmonid aquaculture.
South Africa’s abalone farmers are turning to renewables to power the growth of their industry - which is set to double production levels in the next five years.
Morine Mukami, a research scientist at the aquaculture department of the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute in Mombasa, outlines the importance of Artemia as a live feed for larviculture.
A flotilla of white and orange robots is destined to arrive with one of Norway’s most progressive aquaculture operators this year, in a colourful – yet apparently practical – attempt to improve the performance of their salmon farming sites.