Mulling over the next fish to invest in? Let’s take a cue from the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who have long loved their mullets (No, not the haircut).
Two months after its last report on the global animal protein production sector, Rabobank’s Gorjan Nikolik offers The Fish Site some revised thoughts on the recent performance of the fishmeal, salmon and shrimp sectors as well as some insights into their outlo…
The need to halt the decline of yield per fry was the central theme of a presentation on Mediterranean finfish hatcheries which was given by Isabel Represas at INVE’s customer seminar in Crete.
Now that Seabass Chile has successfully closed the breeding cycle of the Patagonian toothfish for the first time, the company is looking forward to the commercial production of this high value species. And it could, they argue, represent a long-term sustainabl…
Professor Ahmed Hassan discusses the scope, scale and ambition of the Suez Canal Fish Farming and Aquaculture Company, which is well on its way to achieving one of the most ambitious outdoor aquaculture projects ever seen.
A new report by the Dutch-based Changing Markets Foundation claims that retailers, including top UK supermarkets, are linked to “illegal, unsustainable fishing operations in India, Vietnam and The Gambia”.
On the day that Eels: Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation, is launched, The Fish Site caught up with Paul Coulson, who co-edited the book with Andy Don, to find out more about the enduring appeal of anguillids.