Jon Parker, development lead for Aquaculture Industry Wales (AIW), explains how the organisation - which is backed by a growing number of startups - aims to improve the industry’s reputation among the public and politicians, in order to generate much needed gr…
Though many leading cell-cultured seafood companies are based in Asia, Dr Sebastian Rakers, co-founder of Bluu Biosciences, believes that European consumers will embrace cell-based seafood due to its enhanced sustainability and production efficiency advantages…
The four-time James Beard Award-winning TV personality, chef, writer and teacher, explains his love of seafood and how aquaculture can help to provide it.
A clutch of new aquaculture initiatives – largely relating to seaweeds, bivalves and RAS finfish production – are putting Dorset on the aquaculture map, according to Martin Sutcliffe, aquaculture and fisheries development officer at Dorset Coast Forum.
Europe’s freshwater fish farming sector accounts for a fifth of the area's aquaculture production and plays a crucial role in food and job provision, yet is all too rarely recognised.
A new book details how Turkey has become a global aquaculture leader, and is now the world’s ninth largest marine finfish farmer. Other countries, particularly in Europe, could learn much from its example.
Mascha Davis, a registered dietician, nutritionist, author, macro-influencer and the founder of Mini Fish, explains why sustainable aquaculture products, packaged in an environmentally friendly way, offer hope for the future of the seafood sector.
Arctic Salmon, which claims to be the world’s only underground trout producer, has announced plans to become one of northwest Russia’s leading aquaculture players within the next few years.