While Canada-based Dr Thierry Chopin might widely be credited with coining the phrase integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) it is the Chinese who have been at the forefront of developing – and adopting – practical forms of polyculture.
Donnie Bunting started out in the dairy industry but decided to farm tilapia to stay ahead of the curve. Now, his family-owned business has expanded and produces tilapia, redclaw crayfish and Malayan prawns.
The case for aquaponics – typically the co-culture of fish and edible plants – as a means to improve food security may be regularly overstated by well-meaning idealists. Yet a range of aquaponics initiatives have proved their worth, as Austin Stankus explains,…
Benchmark Genetics is one of the main suppliers of salmon ova for land-based production facilities – both RAS and flow-through – around the world. This has given them a unique insight into how the sector is developing, as members of their team explain to The F…
After less than five years in the shrimp farming business, Naeem Banglawala of MVJ Group has overcome disease outbreaks and equipment failures and can now produce two crops every year – without a loss.
By identifying and eliminating production risks, Bangladesh’s pond aquaculture industry can become more efficient and remain on its current growth trajectory.
Circular shrimp ponds are increasingly being used by small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs in Indonesia, where they are also receiving government backing.
When it comes to solving oyster-farming pain-points, Australia and New Zealand punch well above their weight, as an emerging range of innovative aquaculture systems demonstrates.
Columbi Salmon aims to harvest 12,000 tonnes of salmon and 4,000 tonnes of salad leaves a year by 2025, at a site in the Belgian port of Ostend. Kolbjørn Giskeødegård, CFO of the startup, explains their unique production system, why he thinks the time is right…
Industry veteran Alex Harvey has been managing Mowi's Loch Hourn farm for 22 years and hopes that aquaculture will continue to make positive contributions to communities in the Scottish Highlands.
Naua Lakai lives on Vava’u, one of the 36 inhabited islands of Tonga. She dropped out of teachers’ college when she became a mother and is now one of the most successful pearl farmers on her island.
The Fish Site has been in touch with aquaculture operators from around the world, hoping to gain insights into their jobs, farms and the fish they produce for our new Meet the farmer series. Our first interview is with Royd Mukonda, the manag…
Europe’s freshwater fish farming sector accounts for a fifth of the area's aquaculture production and plays a crucial role in food and job provision, yet is all too rarely recognised.
A recent study has described Indian aquaculture practises as unhygienic and unhealthy. But farmers claim that the report is biased and risks causing economic damage to an industry that is trying to recover after the pandemic-induced lockdown.
Ocean Rainforest, the pioneering seaweed producer, which currently operates in the Faroe Islands and California, has developed the techniques and the market for large-scale kelp cultivation, and has a vision of “a local ocean rainforest around the world”, prod…