Europe’s freshwater fish farming sector accounts for a fifth of the area's aquaculture production and plays a crucial role in food and job provision, yet is all too rarely recognised.
The damning reviews that a new documentary, Seaspiracy, was receiving in the aquaculture media didn’t encourage me to reach for the remote and settle down to watch Netflix yesterday evening.
A recent study has described Indian aquaculture practises as unhygienic and unhealthy. But farmers claim that the report is biased and risks causing economic damage to an industry that is trying to recover after the pandemic-induced lockdown.
Anyone looking to sequester carbon and improve biodiversity should seriously consider in investing in seagrass restoration, according to Mark Parry, development officer at the Ocean Conservation Trust.
The detection of an unidentified pathogen in my own farm caused me to consult some of the world’s preeminent experts on early mortality syndrome (EMS) about a possible solution and taught me another vital lesson in biosecurity.
Wild broodstock are still widely collected – both for aquaculture and for restocking purposes – but ensuring the health and welfare of these mature finfish requires careful capture and transport procedures.
Julie Kuchepatov describes her dedication to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, what inspired her to establish SAGE and why driving tractors in Sakhalin can be a perilous occupation.
Ocean Rainforest, the pioneering seaweed producer, which currently operates in the Faroe Islands and California, has developed the techniques and the market for large-scale kelp cultivation, and has a vision of “a local ocean rainforest around the world”, prod…