Aquaponics is helping to keep farmers in drought-ravaged parts of Uganda alive, according to Dr Aisha Nalwoga, a fisheries officer with the Water Governance Institute.
Aquaculture and environmental consultants Jonah van Beijnen and Gregg Yan outline some of the key developments they expect to take place in the Asian aquaculture sector in the year ahead.
Supplying cannabis for medical use in Canada – which is legal for licenced producers – is a competitive business. Based in Hamilton, Ontario, Green Relief Inc uses fish in an innovative aquaponics system to grow its crop and stay ahead of the game.
The area of China devoted to rice-fish culture systems grew by 11 percent in 2016-2017 and now covers about 2 million hectares of the country, according to a new report.
Maria Darias specialises in bringing sustainable aquaculture to developing countries, a role that recently involved a four-year stint in Peruvian Amazonia, establishing farming protocols for a range of native species.
Despite being overfished in China and South East Asia, a suite of advances in sustainable aquaculture of a number of grouper species is bringing benefits to producers and consumers alike.
In the face of rising production costs and limited land and water availability, Egyptian fish farmers are looking for new ways to achieve higher productivity and profitability
Patricia Barrera swapped a career in pharmaceuticals to follow her passion for aquaculture, establishing Trout Managers SAS in Colombia, which she now runs.
A leading Norwegian salmon farmer took a swipe at the government’s development licence initiative today, as it was prompting firms to design systems that could remove the country’s natural salmon producing advantages.
A project seeking to close the breeding cycle of the European spiny lobster is showing promising results and may help both to support coastal diversification opportunities and encourage restoration of the species in the wild.
Myanmar faces a choice of either continuing to sustainably increase its aquaculture production or to shift its focus towards more intensive methods which will allow it to cater for the ever-growing demand for seafood in China
Shweta Vakil, director of one of India's largest aquaculture companies, explains how her role involves working with hatcheries, farmers and the post-production sector to take shrimps “from farm to fork”.
A trial involving the introduction of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) into terraced fields previously used solely for rice production has lifted more than 10,000 people out of poverty in two years.