The founder of Norway’s Seafood Innovation Cluster, who is now innovation manager at Hatch, has dedicated her career to fostering collaboration and innovation in the aquaculture industry.
Benchmark Genetics is one of the main suppliers of salmon ova for land-based production facilities – both RAS and flow-through – around the world. This has given them a unique insight into how the sector is developing, as members of their team explain to The F…
Columbi Salmon aims to harvest 12,000 tonnes of salmon and 4,000 tonnes of salad leaves a year by 2025, at a site in the Belgian port of Ostend. Kolbjørn Giskeødegård, CFO of the startup, explains their unique production system, why he thinks the time is right…
Industry veteran Alex Harvey has been managing Mowi's Loch Hourn farm for 22 years and hopes that aquaculture will continue to make positive contributions to communities in the Scottish Highlands.
The damning reviews that a new documentary, Seaspiracy, was receiving in the aquaculture media didn’t encourage me to reach for the remote and settle down to watch Netflix yesterday evening.
Julie Kuchepatov describes her dedication to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, what inspired her to establish SAGE and why driving tractors in Sakhalin can be a perilous occupation.