Oyster restoration has long been a priority for The Nature Conservancy. Shellfish serve as nature’s water-purification system, filtering sediment, algae and excess nutrients from the water. Their reefs provide nurseries and feeding grounds for fish and other c…
Mowi farm technician Clara McGhee notes how incremental environmental changes - as can be observed on a seasonal basis from a salmon farm - are also having a wider, and more worrying, impact on the health of wild salmon across much of their range.
Mike Selden, CEO of Finless Foods, explains how cell-based seafood can complement conventional aquaculture in helping to feed the planet without destroying ocean life.
Whether the salmon industry can continue to reap the rewards of its recent programme of huge investments is set to be one of the subjects covered in an illuminating presentation by Kolbjørn Giskeødegård on 29 May.
In this two-part feature, The Fish Site and Mike Selden, CEO of the cell-based fish company Finless Foods, discuss the background of lab-grown fish and the origins of Finless Foods bluefin tuna.