Aine O'Donnell and Aine-Lisa Shannon are bringing aquaculture to Ireland's primary schools as part of the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) Aquaculture Remote Classroom (ARC), a mobile classroom that showcases aquaculture's role in coastal communities and climate-posi…
Oceanpick, which is on track to produce 1,200 tonnes of barramundi this year and is one of Sri Lanka’s flagship aquaculture producers, has ambitions to reach 3,000 tonnes a year.
Mohamed Adel, chairman and managing director of the Suez Canal Aquaculture Company, offers an insight into one of the most ambitious aquaculture projects ever to have been constructed in Africa.
While the introduction of invasive non-native species such as Nile perch and water hyacinth have had a catastrophic impact on the biodiversity of Lake Victoria, a growing number of initiatives to control them may help to limit the damage and create new jobs.