The past few months have been gruelling for a number of tilapia farmers on the Kenyan side of Lake Victoria, with the deaths of hundreds of millions of fish.
The overuse of disinfectants, coupled with farmers’ willingness to exceed their systems’ carrying capacities, have been key factors in the downfall of the Asian shrimp sector over the last decade, according to Robins McIntosh*.
In three years Ireland's Pure Ocean Algae has domesticated a wild dulse, a red seaweed species, and created a fully-fledged macroalgae value chain. The Fish Site sat down with founder Michael O'Neill to learn more about his processes and Ireland's pot…
Indian aquaculture producers need better guidance from aquatech companies as well as access to government subsidies to help secure their productivity and livelihoods.
A new aquafeed delivery system, inspired by the food manufacturing and engineering industry, is gaining traction in trout farms in France and is now poised for international expansion.
Flexible ingredient formulations, enzymes, optimised microbiomes and genetics are playing their part in bringing multiple farmed fish species closer to precision nutrition, according to Alltech’s global manager of aquaculture research.
While the introduction of invasive non-native species such as Nile perch and water hyacinth have had a catastrophic impact on the biodiversity of Lake Victoria, a growing number of initiatives to control them may help to limit the damage and create new jobs.