A recent study has confirmed that mussel and oyster farming can play a key role in improving water quality by removing hundreds of tonnes of nitrogen from coastal bays and estuaries.
Thirty of the most influential seafood companies in the world, including seven firms that have strong aquaculture divisions, have been ranked according to their drive to achieve to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Ensuring secure and sustainable food supplies will be one of the key challenges for human society this century, given the combination of population growth and climate change.
Georg Baunach, managing partner and co-founder of Hatch, the first aquaculture start-up accelerator, launches a new hard-hitting column for The Fish Site. In his first installment he questions some of the conventional wisdoms bandied about in the aquaculture s…
Mike Selden, CEO of Finless Foods, explains how cell-based seafood can complement conventional aquaculture in helping to feed the planet without destroying ocean life.
In this two-part feature, The Fish Site and Mike Selden, CEO of the cell-based fish company Finless Foods, discuss the background of lab-grown fish and the origins of Finless Foods bluefin tuna.
Bas Geerts, from the World Benchmark Alliance (WBA), discusses his plans to assess and publish the sustainability scores of the world’s largest seafood companies.
Ranching sea urchins, RAS shrimp production and land-based seaweed cultivation were among the ventures pitched to potential investors at Fish 2.0’s meeting in California this week.