Aquaculture’s technology spotlight tends to focus on offshore cages, satellites, AI sensors and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for major finfish species – but this narrative overlooks aquatech’s ability to revolutionise small-scale production and safe…
Farming in flow-through concrete ponds known as jhora, which is practised in the hills of West Bengal, is not only helping locals to get healthy diet of food but has been also supplementing their families’ incomes.
The head of a Ukrainian company that specialises in the design and implementation of RAS facilities is determined to bring his team out of Russia to find work in Europe.
Efua Konyim Okai, correspondent for The Fish Site, reflects on a recent visit to the first-ever AFRAQ event, which took place in Egypt at the end of March.
Farming a variety of Indian major carp species in the wetlands of Bihar State is proving to be a profitable alternative to agriculture for many former terrestrial farmers.
OpsSmart's Sharmeen Khan is keen to bring blockchain traceability to the aquaculture sector – giving seafood producers and consumers a tech solution that allows end-to-end visibility and transparency.