Ramon Perez, co-founder of Alpha Aqua, produces RAS units, with a twist – focusing mainly on designing modular systems for both cold and warmwater species.
A new edition of Rabobank’s World Seafood Map shows 55 trade flows that are each valued at over $400 million per year and an additional 19 trade flows that are valued at over $200 million, illustrating the international nature and diversity of seafood trade.
Triploidy is widely used in aquaculture to improve growth rates, reduce possible impacts of farmed animals on wild aquatic ecosystems and enhance product quality, but there’s room for improvement and for alternative technologies.
Peruvian Jenny Soria Nina develops technologies to facilitate the growth of the aquaculture sector. One of her recent successes is a mobile hatchery designed to produce scallops and other aquatic species.
Kenya’s aquaculture sector must grow to improve the country’s food security. This article looks into the pros and cons of cage versus pond farming, with insights from fish farmers in western and central regions, and provides recommendations for ways to help th…
Yit Tung – who farms mud crabs, shrimp and tilapia in Malaysia – has no regrets about swapping a steady job as an engineer in the oil and gas sector for starting up his own aquaculture venture, RAS Aquaculture.
Dagón – Israel’s pioneering hatchery and leading fish farmer – offers a tantalising glimpse of how aquaculture in the MENA region is evolving and of the emerging species that have the greatest commercial potential.
Aquaculture’s technology spotlight tends to focus on offshore cages, satellites, AI sensors and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for major finfish species – but this narrative overlooks aquatech’s ability to revolutionise small-scale production and safe…
Farming in flow-through concrete ponds known as jhora, which is practised in the hills of West Bengal, is not only helping locals to get healthy diet of food but has been also supplementing their families’ incomes.
The head of a Ukrainian company that specialises in the design and implementation of RAS facilities is determined to bring his team out of Russia to find work in Europe.
Efua Konyim Okai, correspondent for The Fish Site, reflects on a recent visit to the first-ever AFRAQ event, which took place in Egypt at the end of March.