Despite struggling to achieve bulk production volumes and compete with global commodities such as fishmeal and soy, opportunities for alternative protein producers in aquafeed sector are only going to grow in the coming years.
Dr Richard Newton, one of the UK’s preeminent insect farming experts, explains why the sector has a long way to go before it can produce protein capable of competing with the commodities that are the current mainstay of the aquafeed industry.
How a more aggressive diversification of the raw materials used by the aquaculture feed sector could help the planet cope with burgeoning global population growth.
When it comes to what they put in their mouths, fish don’t share our squeamishness – which is why a project to produce fish feeds based on black soldier fly larvae seems like a fruitful endeavour. There’s only one problem: lead researcher Ike Olivotto is afrai…
Joana Amaral would like to use her 20+ years of experience in marine hatcheries to help encourage the complete replacement of live feed for larval finfish, a goal that she’s currently working on with BioMar.
Due to concerns over the pollution they generate and the impact they have on local forage fish stocks and the fishermen who traditionally rely on them, in the last few weeks, fisheries representatives and environmental activists in Mauritania, Senegal and Gamb…
Dr Tibiábin Benítez-Santana, an aquaculture researcher with the Norwegian krill product company Aker BioMarine, is a firm believer that improved understanding of fish nutrition and metabolism can improve the sustainability and productivity of the aquaculture i…