Reliable figures on the carbon footprints of different aquaculture species are hard to find – not least due to the variety of production systems they come from – but all suggest that aquaculture holds its own against other forms of animal protein production.
The global seaweed aquaculture sector should aim to grow by 12 percent a year – helped by a marked production increase in northern oceans – according to Bailey Moritz, program officer for seaweed and shellfish projects for the US national office of World Wildl…
Anyone looking to sequester carbon and improve biodiversity should seriously consider in investing in seagrass restoration, according to Mark Parry, development officer at the Ocean Conservation Trust.
Ocean Rainforest, the pioneering seaweed producer, which currently operates in the Faroe Islands and California, has developed the techniques and the market for large-scale kelp cultivation, and has a vision of “a local ocean rainforest around the world”, prod…
Australia has experienced a proliferation of seaweed farming startups in recent years and - with favourable geography, a strong research network and an uptick in funding - commercial breakthroughs are looking increasingly imminent.
Solar Oysters’ Elizabeth Hines explains how the innovative agritech startup has ambitions to help restore native oyster reefs, improve water quality and – in the longer term – become “the John Deere of the oyster aquaculture industry”.
In the first instalment of a new series on restorative aquaculture The Fish Site speaks to Sarah Holmyard, head of sales and marketing at Offshore Shellfish, which is developing a large-scale rope-grown mussel farm in Lyme Bay, Devon.
During an era when more and more freshwater bodies are being affected by saltwater intrusion, should aquaculture operators consider diversifying into species that have a greater tolerance for saline conditions?
GPS Group has been an integral force in reducing the Ecuadorian shrimp farming sector’s reliance on diesel-fired generators, and are on the cusp of launching the world’s first carbon zero certification for farm-raised shrimp.
Recent work on the impact of climate change on Norway's salmon sector, led by researchers at Nofima, may help both the Norwegian sector, and the wider aquaculture industry, prepare for the numerous climate change-related challenges it faces.
Tilapia farmers on Lake Kariba are suffering as the lake’s levels continue to drop in the face of the worst drought to hit southern Africa in 40 years.