Shweta Vakil, director of one of India's largest aquaculture companies, explains how her role involves working with hatcheries, farmers and the post-production sector to take shrimps “from farm to fork”.
A project which aims to selectively breed feed-efficient lines of tilapia in order to improve the economic viability of aquaculture in areas where feed is expensive and scarce has recently been launched.
Tony Chen, founder of Manolin, explains why he ditched working for Uncle Sam in favour of joining an aquaculture accelerator, even though he’s better at managing data than fish
A trial involving the introduction of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) into terraced fields previously used solely for rice production has lifted more than 10,000 people out of poverty in two years.
Liris Maduningtyas, entrepreneur, shrimp farmer and CEO of Jala Tech, outlines how she plans to use data mining to improve shrimp health in Indonesia and beyond.
Relatively simple changes to fish farming technology and management practices could help the global transition to increasingly intensive forms of aquaculture become more sustainable, according to new research.
A new trial which is helping to finance small-scale fish farmers in Sierra Leone has enabled them to grow their businesses and boost household consumption of fish