Aquaculture offers a raft of new opportunities for women in Latin America, according to Hideyoshi Segovia Uno, Commercial and Operations Manager of Spring Genetics.
There is increasing evidence that farmers can augment brain growth in their fish by mimicking aspects of their natural habitat in farm sites. But, from a welfare point of view, are bigger brains a blessing or a curse?
For the first time ever, the Pacific Spiny Lobster (Panulirus gracilis) has been grown successfully in a closed, land based aquaculture system in Panama, 600 m above sea level, 15 miles from the ocean at a biomass of over 5 kg/m3.
Although cleaner fish are proving an effective and environmentally friendly way of removing sea lice on salmon farms, they can carry pathogens that can cause disease in both the cleaner fish and salmon. Speaking at Aquaculture Europe, 20-23 September, Edinburg…
Salmon farming companies have been switching their focus to the production of much larger smolt as a strategy for reducing netpen grow-out time and for reducing problems with sealice. Since recirculating aquaculture systems, with their warmer year round operat…