Following the publication of the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee’s report on salmon farming, Dr Suzi Billing explains why Scotland’s salmon sector – and EU aquaculture in general – must work to improve its social licence if it is…
The area of China devoted to rice-fish culture systems grew by 11 percent in 2016-2017 and now covers about 2 million hectares of the country, according to a new report.
The 2019 Aquaculture Awards are now officially open for entry, enabling individuals and companies from all aspects of the industry to pit themselves against the crème de la crème of the global aquaculture sector.
Victoria Alday-Sanz, director of biosecurity and breeding programmes at Saudi Arabia's National Aqua Group (NAQUA), talks about the challenges of looking after 80,000 tonnes of fish and shrimp each year.
In the third installment of the series, farm technician Clara McGhee explains how both her own farm site, and the Scottish salmon industry in general, are embracing change.
Maria Darias specialises in bringing sustainable aquaculture to developing countries, a role that recently involved a four-year stint in Peruvian Amazonia, establishing farming protocols for a range of native species.