Following the designation of aquaculture opportunity areas in the Gulf of Mexico and off California, Neil Anthony Sims, head of Ocean Era and one of the trailblazers of the offshore aquaculture sector, explains to The Fish Site why the opportunity needs to be …
As antibiotics face stricter regulations and antimicrobial resistance becomes more widespread, the aquaculture sector is seeking new ways to treat bacterial infections – bringing a renewed focus on bacteriophages.
Danielle Blacklock, who was recently appointed director of NOAA’s Office of Aquaculture, talks to The Fish Site about how to ensure the US develops a sustainable offshore aquaculture sector, what the country can learn from other nations and how the sector is c…
President Trump’s recent Executive Order on Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth constitutes a major step forward for the US seafood industry, which has the capacity to generate thousands of new jobs and help ensure that Americans con…
One of the top aquaculture advocates in Washington believes that there has never been a better opportunity for the embryonic US offshore aquaculture industry to finally take off.
Following the end of 50 days of coronavirus-inspired lockdown, The Fish Site’s China correspondent Ronnie Jin reports cause for optimism among many of the country’s aquaculture producers, although others still face an uphill struggle.