Ocean 14 Capital Fund, which is over half way to raising €150 million, is looking to make a series of game-changing investments in the aquaculture sector as it seeks to improve global food security while ensuring the long-term health of the oceans.
Farming in flow-through concrete ponds known as jhora, which is practised in the hills of West Bengal, is not only helping locals to get healthy diet of food but has been also supplementing their families’ incomes.
Mercedes Wanguemert, one of Europe’s foremost sea cucumber experts, explains her role in the formation of the continent’s fledgling sea cucumber aquaculture sector and why she believes that the echinoderms have huge untapped potential.
The Blue Impact Fund aims to raise up to £75 million to catalyse the growth of truly sustainable aquaculture in the UK – with a focus on projects including the production of seaweed, bivalves and land-based shrimp.
Blue carbon is emerging as a new conservation game-changer and climate mitigation strategy, but practitioners say that investors and policymakers should think twice before they fall for the hype.
ThinkAqua, a new aquaculture non-profit, aims to promote innovation among small-scale fish and shrimp producers around the world, as Anton Immink, its CEO, explains.