How independent producers remain a valued part of the international shrimp supply chain is one of the key topics to be discussed at September’s inaugural Global Shrimp Forum.
The WWF-inspired free-to-access traceability tool - called transparenC - has huge potential to improve the accountability of the entire shrimp supply chain.
OpsSmart's Sharmeen Khan is keen to bring blockchain traceability to the aquaculture sector – giving seafood producers and consumers a tech solution that allows end-to-end visibility and transparency.
A recent audit of Bangladesh’s pangasius farms found that only 35 percent of farmers were able to meet sustainability and quality indicators at the “best” or “good” level – how can this be improved?
Petter M Johannessen, director general of the IFFO, believes that marine ingredients play a crucial role in developing aquafeeds with a low carbon footprint.