Fish Vet Group Norge has recently hired Marta Alarcón – a fish health specialist with a strong background in researching cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) in Atlantic salmon and diseases in lumpfish.
Revolutionary substitutes for salmon and tuna, made from marine microalgae, are due to be launched commercially in the EU next year, thanks to the development of novel technologies by a team of French algal experts.
Following recent claims that culturing salmon in open net pens could become the most sustainable form of healthy protein production on the planet, Dr Bill McGraw assesses the relative merits of different aquaculture species and systems. As a specialist in the …
Eight of the 40 companies to reach the finals of this year’s Fish 2.0 competition are involved in, or have links to, the culture of bivalves – a measure of the innovative ideas emerging from, and being devoted to, the US shellfish farming sector.
Farmed salmon has the scope to become the most sustainable source of healthy protein in the world, according to a representative of the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI).