A research project led by Felix Scholz, a veterinarian with The Fish Vet Group (FVG) in Galway, has recorded a pathogenic impact of the microsporidian Tetramicra brevifilum in lumpfish for the first time. Here he explains the significance of his findings to Th…
Dr Marcy Wilder, senior research scientist at the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), sees huge potential for the production of shrimp and other organisms in recirculation aquaculture systems.
New trials to grow native oysters are seen as the first step in a considerable expansion of aquaculture in one of Europe’s largest natural harbours, Milford Haven.
Disease-related losses reduce global aquaculture capacity by over 40 percent, according to Dr Giana Gomes, a specialist in the early detection of ciliate parasites, who is determined to help this figure to improve.
Lilian Elekwachi, research technician and catfish farmer at the United Ufuoma Fish Farmers Association (UUFFA) in Warri Delta State, Nigeria, believes that improved infrastructure and knowledge are essential for the growth of the country's aquaculture industry…
Eirik Sigstadstø, R&D director at the Norwegian Research Fund (FHF), has high hopes for next week’s sea louse control conference in Trondheim, in which the use of lumpfish and wrasse are set to be high on the agenda.