Mowi farm technician Clara McGhee discusses the main fish health challenges facing Scottish salmon farmers, the range of methods used to resolve them and some of the gross misconceptions surrounding the sector.
Extreme weather events and changing ocean conditions are creating unpredictable outcomes for aquaculture. One area where research is offering some insight into what to expect, though, is the increasing incidences of disease.
Having recently secured at least $30 million in funding to develop a novel system to revolutionise water-quality monitoring, Professor Chin-yuan Hsieh explains his ambitions in aquaculture.
Jennifer Sodji, who runs one of the biggest fish farms and the leading aquaculture association in Ghana, outlines how political intervention is essential to secure the sector's growth.
One of South East Asia’s largest shrimp farming groups is the Lim Shrimp Organization (LSO), which has established a network of integrated farming projects known as Aqua Villages. In 2018, it completed 12 such projects in Indonesia, two in Thailand and one in …
In the fifth installment of the series, Mowi (formerly known as Marine Harvest) farm technician Clara McGhee discusses the day-to-day running of a salmon farm.