Icelanders ramp up salmon production plans Feeding systems Technology & equipment Atlantic Salmon 22 January 2018
Impressive improvements in salmon growth rates Breeding & genetics Land-based production systems Atlantic Salmon 28 November 2017
Lumpfish sorter makes the grade Technology & equipment 25 August 2017 A grading system, which can sort even lumpfish as small as 0.5 grams, is now commercially available, following the development of a novel design by Stofnfiskur and Vaki, a Division of Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems.
Icelanders target 50,000 tonnes of salmon within 5 years Technology & equipment Economics Salmonids 28 April 2017
Arctic Charr Added to BAP Programme; Iceland Processing Plant Certified Husbandry Sustainability 16 February 2017
GSSI Recognises Iceland's Responsible Fisheries Management Certification Sustainability Economics 8 November 2016
Iceland Enters Wolfish, Plaice, Monkfish, Tusk and Blue Ling into Sustainable Certification Assessement Sustainability Economics 4 November 2016
Sustainable Arctic Char Farming to Expand Following Investment Nutrition Sustainability 21 October 2016
VAKI Celebrates 30 Years of Experience in Fish Counting and Size Estimation Husbandry Technology & equipment 31 March 2016 Sponsored
StofnFiskur Becomes First Salmon Breeding Company with OIE Compartment Standard Approved by Sernapesca Husbandry Breeding & genetics Salmonids 10 March 2016 Sponsored
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Reported for First Time in Icelandic Fish Health Biosecurity 27 October 2015
Weekly Overview: VHS Virus Reported for First Time in Icelandic Fish Health Biosecurity 27 October 2015
New Project Improves Ice Slurry Chilling on Small Fishing Boats Sustainability Technology & equipment 7 January 2015