Saudi Arabia is set to host its largest ever exhibition related to sustainable seafood production on 4-6 February, with over 12,000 visitors due to attend.
Frank Foolen, general manager of leading Dutch catfish producer Claresse, explains how his family’s self-taught approach and long-term commitment have helped to create a successful and profitable RAS operation.
Jennifer Bushman senses encouraging trends in investment and innovation in – as well as acceptance of – aquaculture, but adds that challenges include the urgent need for the salmon farming industry to work together to address ongoing environmental issues.
The last 12 months have proved testing for Malaysia’s shrimp and crab farmers, with a number of new entrants going out of business, but a pivot towards the live market has provided a lifeline for Yit Tung, founder of RAS Aquaculture.
Libyan-based Dr Jamila Rizgalla, head of the Department of Aquaculture at the University of Tripoli, talks about her journey into the aquaculture sector and how she is working to progress aquaculture development in her country
Ghana’s tilapia farmers have been promised a share of the $40 million pledged by the government to alleviate the issues caused by the recent flooding in Lake Volta, but some experts argue that a radical overhaul of the country’s aquaculture strategy is what's …
Professor Kevin Fitzsimmons believes that there are plenty of positives to be taken from the last 12 months in aquaculture and has an optimistic outlook for the sector in 2024 – but mention the fisheries and marine ingredients lobbies to him at your peril.
Nitrite is both toxic and inevitably present in all closed aquaculture systems, so it’s essential for farmers to understand where it comes from and how it can be managed.
After gaining her master’s in aquaculture in Gran Canaria, Nourhan Ali has gained an impressive range of farming experience in Egypt and is now a consultant for the Saudi Aquaculture Society.
Next generation sequencing technologies and metagenomics are proving their worth among early aquaculture adopters – in particular RAS operators – according to Matthew Pope, founder and managing director of Esox Biologics.
Lake View Fisheries, which is situated on Mfangano Island in Lake Victoria, is ramping up its production and distribution of tilapia to diverse regions across Kenya, despite the unique challenges posed by its remote location.