Efua Konyim Okai reports from James Camp Prison, Accra, on an aquaculture training initiative that is going to be rolled out across the country’s jails.
In a two-part feature, Professor Ross Houston, one of the world’s foremost aquaculture genetics experts, explains how a combination of new techniques and new technologies has a huge potential to improve breeding programmes across a wide range of aquatic specie…
Bas Geerts, from the World Benchmark Alliance (WBA), discusses his plans to assess and publish the sustainability scores of the world’s largest seafood companies.
How a more aggressive diversification of the raw materials used by the aquaculture feed sector could help the planet cope with burgeoning global population growth.
Dennis Hedgecock, founder of Pacific Hybreed, hopes to bring cutting-edge breeding science to the US west-coast shellfish sector, to ensure the long-term success of a pivotal industry.