The event, which is taking place at the Royal Institution in London on 20 November, will look at “ocean observations and emerging technologies enabling the blue economy”.

Now in its third edition, the 2019 conference will focus on the specific role of ocean observations in identifying and mitigating future risks to ocean uses and facilitating a sustainable blue economy. The conference will be opened by a keynote presentation from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Ocean Economy Group. This keynote will summarise recent OECD work on understanding the future ocean economy and its dependence on ocean observations.
As well as open water aquaculture the morning presentations will take a closer look at a range of high growth ocean uses such as:
- Autonomous shipping
- Marine mining
- Offshore wind
The afternoon will then explore the future direction of technologies which will play a key role in enabling future sustainable ocean use and these include:
- Communication at sea
- Advanced sensors
- Earth observation
- Expert systems and machine learning
- Robotics and automation
Each session will also include a panel discussion to further expand on the topics raised and offer the opportunity for delegates to engage with speakers. Dedicated networking sessions will also be held throughout the day.