Every year, large amounts of hatchery-raised young salmonids are released into Swedish rivers and streams to compensate for losses in natural production. However these fish rarely survive. The University of Gothenburg has discovered why: the young fish are too…
The crawfish or 'crayfish' industry is continuing to grow in certain areas of the world. This article looks at the life cycle, burrow requirements, molting and nutritional needs of two specific species - the red swamp crawfish and the white river crawfish.
It's known that escaped fish from Norwegian salmon farms can interbreed with wild salmon, and thus must have changed the genetic and physical makeup of the country's famed wild salmon stocks, says the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Dominique P. Bureau, David J. Bevan, and C. Young Cho, from the Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory at the University og Guelph, look at how rationally predicting feed requirements could save money and prevent poor growth.
The latest figures released by the US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service show statistics on domestically grown catfish and US imports of salmon, tilapia and shrimp. Summarised by TheFishSite junior editor, Charlotte Johnston.