Ensuring secure and sustainable food supplies will be one of the key challenges for human society this century, given the combination of population growth and climate change.
Ahead of the Aquaculture Innovation Showcase in September, The Fish Site sat down with Wittaya Aqua co-founder Evan Hall and head of operations Tom McDonell to discuss the background of the business and plans to make a smart-farming system that is affordable, …
The use of aquaculture-derived waste products to grow secondary crops – such as used in biofloc systems or aquaponics – can increase profits by more than 20 percent, as some of the leading proponents of this field explain.
East of India’s populous city of Kolkata, the largest natural sewage treatment works in the world also supports a thriving regional carp farming industry. But the city’s relentless growth is threatening the wetlands, along with the livelihoods of those who dep…
Georg Baunach, managing partner and co-founder of Hatch, the first aquaculture start-up accelerator, launches a new hard-hitting column for The Fish Site. In his first installment he questions some of the conventional wisdoms bandied about in the aquaculture s…
Giving the correct diets to fish in their early life stages has long term benefits, explain INVE in the second of two articles on their Fry 2.0 initiative.