In the second of aseries of articles,Mike Montgomerie,gear technologist atSeafish, gives hisperspective on theissue of discards andthe work that Seafishand the industryhave been doing tohelp develop newselective technologiesand net-basedfishing activitiesto re…
In the first of a seriesof articles, MikeMontgomerie, gear technologistat Seafish, giveshis perspective on theissue and the work that Seafish,along with industry, has beendoing to help develop new selectivetechnologies and net-basedfishing activities to reduce…
The recent report by McKinsey and Company 'Design for Sustainable Fisheries' takes some important steps towards meeting the challenge of integrating what we understand about the biology of fished species and the economic behaviour of those who fish. It is vita…
Michael Phillips, from The World Fish Centre and Rohana Subasinghe, from FAO look at trends, future prospects and adaptation of small-scale shrimp farmers in the global markets, to ensure that the continue to provide important economic and social benefits. Tak…
Sound scientific advice is not available for the majority of demersal fish species caught by Scottish and Shetland fishing vessels. This can have a serious impact on the economies of these stocks when policy making, according to a study by Ian Napier, NAFC Mar…