Alaska is home to over 95 per cent of the Pacific halibut, and over 60 per cent of the black cod caught in the US Alaska halibut and black cod, like all seafood from Alaska, are wild and sustainable seafood choices. Alaska is the only state in the nation to have sustainability language written into its Constitution and is considered a model for the world, according to Alaska Seafood.
“Most of the halibut and black cod in our sustainable fisheries are harvested on small vessels owned by families with generations of history in Alaska,” says fisherman Julianne Curry.
“Each fish is individually caught, hand-cleaned and iced at-sea to provide people with the highest quality seafood. As a fisherman, I appreciate that the careful management of both the halibut and black cod fisheries in Alaska is based on the science of stock status and geared towards sustainability so that we are able to enjoy these fish for years to come.”
Alaska's Halibut and Black Cod Season Now Open
ALASKA, US - The 2012 wild Alaska halibut and black cod (sablefish) season opened on 17 March, 2012. Statewide catch limits for Alaska halibut and black cod are set at over 25 million pounds and over 35 million pounds, respectively (NOAA, 2012).
by Lucy Towers